Bitcoin Short Term Chart

Last time we said ‘Looking at the short term chart it look like we will have one more break push lower and I would raise my buy level to 55500. Leave stops at the wave 4 low 49200.’ We treaded down to 52600 enabling us to buy slightly higher. I was too early calling what is now the wave (a) low the end of the correction and it appears , as is often the case we are tracing out a wave 4 corrective triangle. Buy now or on a slight dip and leave stops at last weeks levels a move back above 65k will indicate that wave 5 is underway.
Ethereum Chart

Last time we said ‘I like ETH higher and am buying some now Like BTC there is a possibility that we may trade slightly lower and will add at the 2448 and , 2370 and 2270 with stops at 2075.’ We traded down to 2152 so we are long and will leave stops at 2075. Like BTC I am showing a corrective triangle
So if correct look to buy if not already long with stops place somewhere below 2100.
Solana Long Term Chart

OK a new crypto currency to start following and this is the first time I have studied so lets see if how it goes in the coming weeks.
Here I am showing a long term logarithmic chart to see where we are in the grand cycle and from the looks of it we are still completing the wave (iv) correction before a push to new highs.
Interestingly wave (y) will be equal in length to wave (w) at 99.80 and I will start buying slightly above at the 102 level. Lets look at the short term chart to see how close to completion wave (y) is.
Solana Short Term Chart

Looking at the hourly chart with a normal scale the wave count off the wave B high seems close to or has already completed the wave 2 correction which indicates a sharp sell off in wave 3 is imminent and a break below 126.9 will indicate that wave 3 lower is underway. This is inline with our longer term view and as this is my first week studying Solana I am happy to wait and see if the lower levels I am looking for materialize.
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